The Fuel Behind a Passionate Fire for Fitness

In some fashion or another, I have worked out most of my life. I started when I played sports in high school, continued through college and into my adult life. But there was a time not so long ago when I became much more complacent. I fell into a rut. I was not pushing myself, was not seriously motivated to get fit, and was eating all the wrong things. In general, I was not disciplined.

It did not take long before the pounds started adding up. One day I had a blood test as part of a physical and the results were not good. They were not alarming to the doctor but he recommended I change some things in my life. But to me, they were clearly the worst results of my life. The path I was on was not a good one. This opened my eyes to the fact that I needed to change my course.

This was the impetus of the changes I have since made in my life. What started out as improving fitness evolved into improving in many other areas of my life. This has become a lifestyle. Today I am a man that lives to continuously improve and level up. My desire is to maximize the gifts, skills, and abilities God has given me.

Since starting down the road of improving my fitness, I now see fitness positively impacting many other aspects of my life. These aspects are critical to me maximizing the life I have been given. Some of these aspects have become the fuel behind a passionate fire for fitness in my life. Below are those that mean the most to me. My hope is that they also ignite a fire in you to start down a similar path. If you are already on that path then maybe this will add a little fuel to an already existing passion. Enjoy the read!

Fitness Increases Confidence


Physical fitness fosters confidence in men. Confidence is foundational to being a man. Confidence helps in work, relationships, and is a key factor in leading others. No one follows men that are not confident in themselves.

Like it or not fitness exudes confidence. When I was out of shape and another man entered the room that was fit I sensed a hit to my confidence. I knew I should be on that same path and the only reason I wasn’t was because of weakness in me. At that time I lacked the grit to overcome my weakness, get the results, and win the long game.

When you start getting fit you will notice a difference in your mindset and in the influence you have on those around you. They will look at you and know that what you set your mind to do will happen. Your physical fitness is witness to this. You will become a more confident man.

Fitness Increases the Ability to Handle Stress

Stress naturally occurs when you are being the man you were called to be. Men living their roles take responsibility in every area of their lives. They carry the weight, make the decisions, and chart the course. This brings stress into the life of a man.

Routinely working to improve and maintain your fitness level relieves stress. I do some kind of workout every day. I lift weights 4 times a week but every morning I do a workout that is cardio or HIIT related. These morning workouts only take 20 minutes. They are good cardio and burn a lot of calories. But the side benefit is it relaxes me. It helps put me in the right frame of mind to tackle the day. It relieves stress.

Are you experiencing a lot of stress? Start working out and eating right. You will notice a difference almost immediately.

Fitness Increases Energy Levels and Grit

Getting fit increases energy levels. In my article Do Hard Things I talk about how we are always on call as a leader whether at work or at home. It is critical to have enough energy to respond in the way a leader should respond.

Do I always respond correctly? No. However, I am improving every day. One of the main reasons for this is because I have greater energy throughout the day as a result of being fit. I have more in the tank that I can dig deep and muster up.

I’ve also noticed a difference in my grit since developing a fitness routine. Grit is defined as the unstoppable drive to achieve results or outcomes despite resistance or obstacles. Working out has conditioned me to face hardship and push through. I’ve noticed that even in times when I feel absolutely exhausted I can dig just a little deeper. This grit is a key factor in living a life of success no matter what you set out to accomplish. The process of getting physically fit helps build the grit within you to overcome weakness, get results, and win the long game of life.

Fitness Improves the Quality of Life and Prolongs Physical Activity

Fitness Reason

When you are physically fit, life is better. Over a lifetime you will be able to do more things longer than most people around you if you stay fit. How many times have you experienced people that were unable to do things with their children or grandchildren? Their physical condition had deteriorated to the point they could not engage without injuring themselves or putting themselves at risk. The more fit you are the better the quality of life you can have and the more things you will be able to do.

For me getting fit and staying fit will enable me to remain physically active deep into the later years of life. My wife and I started a family later than most. So at 53 years old, I have a 17-year-old son. He and I climb mountains and go on long challenging hikes in places like the Rocky Mountains. We backpack for days at a time. I want to be able to do these for many years to come. This means it is critical for me to continue to eat right, work hard, and stay in the best shape possible. I want to make many more memories.

Fitness Reduces the Probability and Improves the Ability to Fight Illness

Many of the top illnesses that impact people in the United States can be avoided by good fitness. Stack up the list of illnesses and you will see that the reason most Americans are susceptible is because of a lifestyle full of bad habits related to eating and exercise. The very best thing you can do right now is to improve in these areas. You have 100% control over what you eat and the exercise you do.

I have seen many people face illness and disease and fight the battles associated with them. It has become obvious to me that being in great shape entering into these battles will increase a persons’ ability to fight the good fight. Maybe there are some cases where it might not make a difference. But I believe in many it would have.

Another plus to building discipline around eating habits is that when combating illnesses you are often asked to make diet changes. If you are already eating clean you likely will not need to make changes. But, even if you do, you have already made the transition to thinking of food as fuel. You have broken the mental attachment to food that makes diet changes so difficult.

I choose to put myself in the best possible position to fight the good fight. I hope to never have to fight this battle but if I do I expect to be at a fitness level that allows me to do it well.

Fitness Ensures You Don’t Look Like the Easy Target

The world is becoming more chaotic. In today’s world, it is more likely that at some point you could find yourself in a position where others will threaten your well being. If you are physically fit it could be the reason a person avoids engaging in a conflict with you. Physically fit individuals do not look like easy targets.

Not only do you not look like an easy target but you have a better chance of defending yourself or getting away. Getting fit just puts you in a much better position should you find yourself in conflict. Getting fit and also learning how to defend yourself is always the best-case scenario.

The reality is this; there is evil in this world. Eventually, this evil could impact your life in some way. Get fit and be prepared. Don’t look like an easy target.

Fitness Honors the Creator

I am on this earth as a witness to the One that created me. He made me and bought me with a price paid by the blood of Christ. Being fit is honoring the God that made my body and has given me life. Eating right and being in good shape enables me to do the things God designed me to do and do them well. If I want to have the confidence, handle the stresses of life well, have the energy and stamina needed, and do what He has called me to do for as long as possible fitness needs to be a priority in my life.

Though the context of this verse is speaking of sexual behavior it easily applies to all areas relating to the stewardship of the body God has given us. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

Honor your Creator and be the best version of you. Being physically fit enables you to maximize the honor you give Him.

Fitness in Action

Now I hope you are compelled to start down this road! On this path, there are only good things ahead for you. Push through the resistance to change and make it happen!

First, I would encourage you to get started immediately. Step up to the plate and do the work! Do it now! Do not wait until tomorrow. Do some push-ups and sit-ups until you build your plan. Do something while you are motivated and thinking about it.

Secondly, I have included a few links below. These are resources from men I know and trust. They can help you develop your game plan and improve your fitness through exercise and diet.

Visit the links below:

Death Blow to the Dad Bod

What is the Purpose of Exercise

Why Fitness Alone is Not Enough to Achieve Your Goals

Logik Fitness: Personal Training and Online Coaching

Physical fitness impacts our lives as men in more ways than we often think about. I hope these words have made you think through your situation. I hope this resonates with you and drives you to take action. In the end a man is not made by good intentions. A man is made by taking action. Take action today and start down the path of improving and becoming the man you have been created to be. You will never regret it.

Add your comments in the comments section below or send me an email by clicking on “EMAIL” on the menu bar above. I appreciate the feedback! If you like this post, click the like button below.

I appreciate your visit to Men of Grit!

In your corner,

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”


What is Men of Grit about? Read “About Men of Grit”

How to help your son transition from boy to man. Read “The Exciting Challenges of Breaking Into The World Of Manhood”

Putting your faith on the line opens the opportunity to experience God. Read “The Man that “Puts It On The Line” Experiences God”

Challenge your view of Jesus. Read “The Rugged Man’s Perspective of the Other Side of Jesus”

Love Football? Learn lessons from the past to win today. Read “Driven to Be the Best: The Fierce Leader of the Men of Steel.

A man’s leadership does not end with the workday. Read “Do Hard Things”

Visit Book Recommendations for books that have impacted my life. I will continue to add more.


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