Changing My Direction
How many times have you experienced frustration in making lasting changes in your life?
I have experienced this disappointment. There was a time I was not living up to what I believe it means to be a man. I was off course and drifting into a general attitude of complacency. My life was unraveling. I knew the journey I was on was not going to end well. I needed to make substantial, lasting changes.
Not only did I see I was going in the wrong direction, I knew I had the potential to be much better. I knew that inside was this hard-charging, driven, results-oriented man. But there were critical areas of my life where I had lost the passion.
When you are disappointed in yourself, it can suck the life out of you. That was my situation. I was out of shape, focused only on work, and chasing comfort. Rather than working hard to be the man I wanted to be, I was complacent.
Yet today, I am thriving more than at any other time in my life. I am improving every day physically, mentally, and spiritually. I am determined to be the man I am called to be. I have a vision for my life, and I am making progress toward it every day.
(Read, “A Simple Vision, Focus and Target for Improving Your Life”)
Today I am leading better than ever and increasing my influence at home, work, and beyond. I am moving forward according to who I am and what I am called to do as a man. I have regained my purpose and passion for life. I am living more authentically every day.
What is the #1 reason for this improvement? I am connected to a group of high-value men. These are men that are improving their lives, achieving goals, and becoming stronger. These connections have made a significant difference in my life.
I am convinced that men who make connections with high-value men will see dramatic improvements in their lives also.
I believe every man should have these connections. Men feed off other men. They excel when connected to men of like mind and direction. There are tremendous advantages to being connected to high-value brothers. Here are a few I have experienced.
A Place to Unload

Every time you complain, talk about your losses, share your frustrations, you lose influence, and weaken your position as a leader. Your calling is to bear the load. Others should be able to lean on you. As a high-value man, you should be leading your wife, your children, and your co-workers.
Unloading on these people or unloading in their midst negatively impacts your ability to lead them. When you become unglued with those you are called to lead, it is always damaging.
But, the pressures men face are real. Too many men are succumbing to these pressures. They are destroying their physical and mental health, relationships, careers, etc. Men need to blow off this steam.
I believe the place for this is with other men. Brothers understand the stresses of responsibility and leading. They know the weight you must bear. And brothers help carry the load.
I have found that sometimes all I need is a place to rant and release some emotion. By getting the emotion out, I tend to gain clarity and the ability to focus on solutions. For me, this process helps me get back into the right frame of mind. I come out of this process, ready to re-engage and lead.
Challenging and Feedback

At some time or another, you will feel like slacking off. If you are not careful, this slacking off can become a habit. In a short time, you will find yourself falling back into your old ways. Complacency creeps back into your life.
But if you are a part of a brotherhood of high-value men, you will be challenged. High-value men are always pushing to get better. They challenge themselves, and they also challenge those around them.
These men will ask you questions that make you face your reality. They will live what you should be living. Their example becomes contagious. Just by being associated with them, you will feel the push and realize, “I need to step up my game!”
At other times, in your journey, you will run up against barriers. You want to keep improving, but you just cannot figure out how to breakthrough. High-value brothers will help you talk through these issues. Chances are one or more of them have been where you are. Often these conversations bring clarity to the next step. You see the answer and get back on the path, moving forward.

When you are a part of a group of high-value men, you have access to countless experiences, skills, and abilities. Being connected to these men opens doors. You can learn from men that made mistakes, worked through them, and learned how to do things well. You will learn life hacks that bring efficiency and effectiveness into your life. You improve your capability as a man.
In the end, you accomplish more and get results quickly. I have experienced this in multiple ways.
One way is in starting this blog. I have connections to men that have been blogging for years. They are established and successful. So when I expressed a desire to influence through writing, they were there to help me get started. Since then, they have taught me more things than I have had the opportunity to apply. It has been incredible. I have covered so much ground, and yet I still feel like I am just getting started. There is no way I would have been able to achieve as much as I have as quickly as I have without these men.
A second way I have experienced this is by dialing in my fitness. I have access to men that know what they are talking about. They live it and have businesses engaged in helping people achieve their fitness goals. Questions I have about diet and exercise are quickly answered with tons of information to read and study. Access to these men has helped me achieve great results. Again, I feel like I am only just beginning.
I could continue with examples in fatherhood, relationships, leadership, etc. I have a long list of opportunities to improve myself as a man. This is directly related to being connected to this group of men.
When you are connected to high-value men, your only hindrance to accomplishing more is you. You must identify the areas you want to improve, communicate this, and take responsibility for taking action and doing the work. If you do these things, you will accomplish far more than you ever thought possible. You will quickly stack up the accomplishments and successes.
Masculinity promotes Masculinity

There is no better place to learn what it means to be a man than amid other high-value men. We live in a day where you must seek this out. High-value masculine men are not what the general society is promoting these days. However, I believe there is a growing undertow of men pushing back against this trend. More men are coming together and building communities that support masculine men. I think this is a critical need in our world. The world always has and always will need strong, masculine men.
Connecting to high-value men puts you in a position to learn strong masculinity. By engaging with these men, you will see how they respond to life. You get first-hand insight into how other men think and approach their day to day roles and responsibilities. You will build and refine your personal approach with the examples and ideas you gather.
This has helped me refine my vision, focus, and target in life. (“A Simple Vision, Focus and Target for Improving Your Life”) This has helped me clarify who I am, what I want to do, and the impact I want to have in this world. Engaging with high-value men brings out a desire to pursue excellence. Being around good men is infectious. You can’t help but become a better man.
Now What?
So what about you? Are you connected to high-value men? Maybe you know some high-value men in your circles. Make the move. Reach out and start meeting as a group. Or do a little research. There are several quality men’s groups on the internet. One of the best I found is The Fraternity of Excellence. I am a member of FoE, and also have a link on the sidebar of my blog. I highly recommend this group if you are serious about improving as a man. Check it out here.
Whether it is through FoE or another group, join forces with other men. Work together to become the man you always wanted to be. The world needs strong masculine men that influence and positively impact the world around them! This is your calling. It is time to engage. Make the connections. Do the work to be a high-value man.
As always I appreciate your visit to Men of Grit!
In your corner,

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Visit Book Recommendations for books that have impacted my life. I will continue to add more.
Seeing the Creator in Creation. “A Vision of the Creator in the Wild and the Wild in the Creator”
Ready to improve the trajectory of your life? “A Simple Vision, Focus and Target for Improving Your Life”
Inspired thoughts from backpacking in the Rocky Mts. “The Irresistible Call of the Wild”
Why should you focus on fitness? “The Fuel Behind a Passionate Fire for Fitness”
Help your son transition into manhood. “The Exciting Challenges of Breaking Into The World Of Manhood”
Putting your faith on the line and experience God. “The Man that “Puts It On The Line” Experiences God”
Challenge your view of Jesus. “The Rugged Man’s Perspective of the Other Side of Jesus”
Love Football? Learn from a past winner. “Driven to Be the Best: The Fierce Leader of the Men of Steel.
A man’s leadership does not end with the workday. “Do Hard Things”
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